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Dr. Gail

Dr. Gail Buquicchio

Dr. Gail is in the office on: Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays

Dr. Gail Buquicchio, ND has been actively involved in the fields of health and wellness for over 45 years.  She has held diverse positions in her field in settings across the country.   She is a graduate of the naturopathic program at Bastyr University. Dr. Gail received her certificate in Gerontology (the study of aging) from the University of Washington in 2021 and is certified in EFT (emotional freedom technique) through EFTi (EFT International).

Dr. Gail’s practice focuses on supporting women through the aging process. She incorporates in to her work, 45+ years of collective education, knowledge and training in naturopathic medicine, Gerontology (Certificate from UW), exercise science, biofeedback, EFT (emotional freedom technique), and health coaching to support her patients in navigating their way through the alchemy of aging with more ease, joy, and balance.

Dr. Gail lives in Lake Forest Park with her husband of 42 years, Dr. Dan.  Her biggest passion in life is movement of all sorts be it hiking, backpacking, paddle boarding, bicycling, dancing, yoga or just plain working out. Dr. Gail also loves being outdoors, however and whenever she can to garden, play, walk or just be.  She volunteers regularly with the Washington Trails Association and the Seattle Mountaineers. She loves to learn, read, cook with Dr. Dan and travel.   

Dr. Gail is not contracted with insurance.  She offers affordable cash rates to her patients. 

Gail offers the following services:
Naturopathic Visits
Initial visit: 90-minutes. During this visit we establish your goals for working with me, decide how we will track and evaluate your progress toward those goals and assess your current state of wellness and establish a treatment plan.

Cost of the first visit is $325.00. This fee includes the initial 90-minute visit and a comprehensive treatment plan, and two follow up sessions with Dr. Gail. A 15-minute Zoom consultation (to see if we are a good fit, is required before scheduling this appointment). Book your consultation visit.

ND Follow up visits are for those who have established care with me in the past and want to check in or for a new condition or concern. Cost of a follow up visit is $95.00 Book your follow up visit.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). EFT refers to a set of techniques that uses tapping on meridian points. EFT is a powerful tool and has demonstrated its effectiveness in clinical research.  This research has shown that EFT can be helpful in a variety of conditions including but not limited to reducing anxiety, depression, pain, PTSD, insomnia, and cravings (to name just a few of it’s many benefits). EFT can be a powerful method for exploring the deeper causes of stress, worry, feeling overwhelmed, inadequte, or procrastination and other emotions that can get in the way of you living a more balanced life. Learn more about EFT.

EFT Fees:
First Session: 75 minutes-$110.00
Single Session: 60 minutes-$95.00